Açık Radyo punished for mentioning the 'Armenian Genocide'

The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) canceled the license of Açık Radyo, to which it had previously imposed administrative fines and 5 suspensions of broadcasting due to the statement "Armenian genocide". Açık Radyo published a statement regarding the development.

RTÜK member İlhan Taşçı announced the news on his social media account with the following words: “The reason is that the board did not comply with the 5-day program suspension penalty previously given by the board for 'inciting the society to hatred and hostility' and continued broadcasting. However, the broadcaster paid the fine but did not stop broadcasting. This situation should have been interpreted in favor of the publisher"

RTÜK imposed the penalty upon the following words of the guest who participated in the broadcast of the program titled 'Açık Gazete' (Open Newspaper),  on Açık Radyo, (Open Radio) on April 24, 2024: “… It is the 109th anniversary of the deportations and massacres that took place in Armenian, that is, Ottoman lands, the massacres called genocide. As you know, the commemoration of the Armenian genocide was banned this year as well.” Due to these statements, the Board imposed an administrative fine on the radio and a five-day broadcast suspension on the program. The reason was 'inciting the society to hatred and hostility'.

Statement from Açık Radyo: Unacceptable

Açık Radyo made the following statement regarding the issue:

"Although it has not been notified to us yet, it has been learned that Açık Radyo's broadcasting license has been canceled at the meeting of the Radio and Television Supreme Council dated 03.07.2024.

A request was made for the fine imposed along with the broadcast suspension to be paid in installments as stated in the decision, and this was accepted and the first installment was paid. Thus, it is obvious that we have no intention of resisting the law and opposing this decision other than through judicial process, and that we are trying to maintain a good faith process.

At this point, it is unacceptable to come to the point of canceling Açık Radyo's broadcasting license based on a statement in the Açık Gazete program that is indisputably within the scope of freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

Legal applications will of course be made regarding the said decision. In addition, Açık Radyo, which has been broadcasting for 30 years, will continue its broadcasting life with the same responsibility, in line with the same universal journalism principles.

We will continue to be with you, our dear listeners and friends, who have always been with us until today, with the same determination and the same feelings"

“Radio Open to all sounds, colors and vibrations of the universe”

