Massacre of the Alawis and the Future of Syria
The most recent massacres against Alawis and the sense of insecurity will lead to demographic reshuffling, where the mixed sectarian areas will be divided once again, with Alawis moving away seeking safety. The Druze in the south and the Kurds in the north-east will do the same, while the Christian outflow will also restart, after the optimism of Christian leaders in previous months. The forces of the interim government will be seen as – and will act like - a force of occupation in neighbourhoods with none-Sunni majority.
Letter to Osman Kavala
Dear Osman, many things have changed since the last time we met. I am sure you are following the news from your prison cell. Since they arrested you with unfair and unjust accusations, the world has turned upside down. Turkey became a harder place, and your efforts for mutual understanding and develop a culture of dialogue became more difficult to achieve.
Israeli Invasion of Lebanon and the Ghosts of 1982
In the summer of 1982 Israel launched what it called “Operation Peace for Galilee” and invaded Lebanon. Its aim was to liquidate the PLO. The Israeli army occupied Beirut and chased away the Palestinian guerillas from its southern suburbs. It was the summer of Sabra and Shatila massacres, when Israeli soldiers surrounded the two Palestinian camps, brought in Right-wing Lebanese Christians militias who for three days butchered hundreds of Palestinian civilians. How many died that summer we do not know for sure, but it could be as high as twenty thousand. In the summer of 1982 Hezbollah did not even exist.
When Netanyahu Remembers the “Armenian Holocaust”
Israeli has not only participated in denying the Armenian Genocide of the past, but also taken an active part of the ethnic cleansing of Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh. The spat between Israel and Turkey is taking place as the Israeli army is accused of committing war crimes and crimes of genocide, in its war in Gaza.
Climate Change Goes to Baku
It is of course difficult to predict how Azerbaijan might organize the COP29 in 2024. Azerbaijan is not known for its expertise in environmental matters, for innovations in fighting climate change. But Baku is historically associated with oil. Remember, in the year 1900 Baku produced half of the total global oil. Azerbaijan has expertise in hydrocarbon production and export even today over 90% of the total national exports are oil and gas.
Nagorno-Karabakh, The Death of a Rebel Republic
The fatal mistake was that Armenian politicians did not follow the changes in international policies. They relied on Russia to moderate the conflict and stop it from escalating. But Russia under Putin was different from Russia under Yeltsin. Armenians especially relied on Russia to stop direct Turkish intervention in the South Caucasus. This would guarantee the balance-of-power between Armenia and Azerbaijan, they thought. They were mistaken.
Siege of Karabakh and Two Visions of Azerbaijan
The siege of Karabakh imposed by the authorities of Azerbaijan is nearing its ninth month. Cases of death from lack of food, fuel and medication has been recorded. As winter approaches the entire population of Nagorno Karabakh – or the Armenian Artsakh – is threatened by the policies of Azeri authorities. This siege is the outcome of a specific ideological vision dominant within Azerbaijani ruling circles. In the meanwhile, alternative voices are taking shape, while in minority yet powerful.
Tal Afar: The New Normality of the Old ISIS Stronghold
According to journalist Jafar Talafari, ISIS kidnapped 1300 Turkmen civilians among them 460 women and girls and 120 children. Just like ISIS kidnapped and enslaved Yazidi women, they treated Turkmen Shiite women in the same manner. Yet, Turkmen society out of conservatism does not publicize this crime, and the fate of the majority of kidnapped remains unknown.
Yazidi Victims of ISIS Genocide cannot Return Home
ISIS spread its horrors on Sinjar from August 3, 2014, until November 13, 2015, when Kurdish and Yazidi fighters, supported by Coalition airstrikes, retook the town. Yet only a minority of its inhabitants went back home. The city itself which once had 70 thousand inhabitants, has no more than 2 thousand now.
The Battle for Bakhmut and the War in Ukraine
In Bakhmut, Russia and Ukraine are locked in a war of attrition. All sides seem determined to continue a war in which thousands of young soldiers are sacrificed, for unrealistic objectives. Political will to end the war is lacking, which makes any ceasefire agreement difficult to achieve.