Here is the second issue of "Agos with Students" project.
As part of the child journalism project carried by Agos in cooperation with Istanbul Bilgi University
Child Studies Unit and Department of Media, a child journalism workshop focusing on rights started in Karagözyan Armenian School. With this project, which is coordinated by Fatih Gökhan Diler from Agos and Ceren Suntekin from Tarlabaşı Community Center, and conducted by students of media Ege Ardıl, Defne Tütüncü, Ece İncesulu and İpek Demirel, 5th and 6th grades students Kris, Alen, Dença, Anna, Lara, Venassa, Dimitri, Deni, Letisya, Tara, Melik, Arden, Mert and Roni from Karagözyan will meet with their readers on our website through “Agos with Students” column.
This project is supported by the Danish Foreign Office.