Hi, everyone! We, Anna and Dença, are the authors of the culture and arts column. We want to stimulate children's interest in culture and arts. By sharing information on culture and arts, we aim at developing children's knowledge of culture and arts.
Anna Maria Dipgil & Dença Silahlı
My Neighbor Totoro
This week, we want to talk about “Totoro”. Two sisters move with their father to a place near the hospital, where their mother stays after falling ill. They become friends with Totoro there. The movie is about their friendship and experiences that they go through. This movie tells the importance of friendship and this is good for the children. You have to watch it.
“Şaşkın Baba is my favorite”
Dença: Hi. Can you tell us about yourself?
Anna: Hi, I am Anna Maria Dipgil. I am a 5th grade student in Karagözyan.
Dença: In your opinion, what is the effect of theater on the children?
Anna: It affects their perspective, because they learn something from it and use it in their lives.
Dença: What do children gain from seeing a play?
Anna: It helps developing the world knowledge.
Dença: How often should we see a play in a month?
Anna: Once in a week.
Dença: In Turkey, is theater regarded enough?
Anna: No, it isn't. We can make this correct by staging more plays.
Dença: How many plays have you seen so far?
Anna: Over 30.
Dença: Which one is your favorite?
Anna: "Şaşkın Baba." My mother's uncle is in the cast of that play.