Ode to 1915 in high school entrance exam

Turkish Ministry of Education (MEB) reminded the Armenian question with two questions in high school entrance exam.

Recently, students took the exam for Revolution History and Kemalism course and MEB caused a scandal with the two questions in this exam.

Here are those questions:

Ottoman Empire made some Armenians to immigrate to Syria with the Deportation Law. During this migration
- Taxes of the immigrants were postponed
- Officials accompanied the immigrants along the way in order to protect them
- Immigrants were allowed to take anything they want with them
- And a decree was issued in order that immigrants can return home after the war

According to this information, which of the following is not true about the deportation policy of Ottoman Empire?

a) Security of life of the immigrants was provided.
b) Tangible rights of the immigrants is tried to be protected. 
c) The purpose of the deportation was to annihilate the Armenians in Anatolia.
d) The deportation put into practice within a legal framework.

After the military victory on the Eastern Front, Treaty of Alexandropol was signed. In this way, the parliament became more trustworthy for Turkish people. Armenia recognized the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and accepted that Treaty of Sevres is invalid. 
 According to this information, which of the following is not true about the achievement on the Eastern Front?

a) Turkish parliament gained more respect.
b) It was a political achievement for Turkish parliament. 
c) Forces of the fronts were united.
d) Armenians’ claim on Anatolia was invalidated.

“This is unacceptable”

Nurcan Kaya, Turkey Coordinator of Minority Rights Group International, who prepared a report on discrimination in Turkish education system, reacted to those questions.
Speaking to Agos, Kaya said that Turkish education system is based only on the existence of Turks and Muslims and it is used as an ideological tool.

“The main purpose of education is to preserve the best interest of the child, to provide pedagogical and academic development and to teach the values of a pluralist democracy. However, Turkish education system became a tool for promoting the Turkish-Islamic synthesis. Moreover, they have been imposing an inaccurate story since the Armenian Genocide. Education system and exams are used for teaching that there was no genocide. They are using it in different ways. This is unacceptable. Education system continues to be a tool for maintaining the state ideology.”


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