MINORITIES List of seized Osmaniye properties published

A historical document included in an article by Ümit Kurt titled “I. Cihan Harbi Sonrası Ermeni Mallarının İadesi: Cebel-i Bereket Örneği/The Return of Armenian Properties After World War I: The Cebel-i Bereket Case” published in the November issue of the journal Toplumsal Tarih is striking in terms of its content.
ENGLİSH Colonel Takvoryan’s portrait disappears

Lebanese director Nigol Bezjian’s installation titled ‘Çanakayna’ at the 4th Çanakkale Biennial that began on September 27 suffered a mysterious attack last Tuesday. Biennial staff think this may have been a case of theft, while Bezjian, who included photographs of Armenian soldiers that served in the army from the Ottoman period to the present day, treats the case with suspicion.
WORLD UK changing its 1915 policy

In his book titled “An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians?” Geoffrey Robertson QC, leading British human rights lawyer, shows how the denialist approach of the United Kingdom changed over time to today recognize the Armenian Genocide.
TURKEY Records of Aleppo Rescue Home published in Turkish

The files belonging to Armenians that stayed at the Aleppo , which was founded to provide shelter to Armenians who escaped the Armenian Genocide, have been translated into and published in Turkish with the title ‘Aleppo Shelter 1922-1927’. Published by Alfa Yayınları, the book was edited by the former General Staff ATASE Presidency Archive Department Director Ahmet Tetik, and publisher Cihan Güneş.