Following the death of Turkey Armenians Patriarch Mutafyan, Clergical Committee Head and Bishop Maşalyan was chosen to lead the Patriarchate until the next patriarch is chosen. Of the members of the Clergical General Assembly, 13 voted for Bishop Sahak Maşalyan, while 11 voted for Archbishop Aram Ateşyan.
Archbishop Ateşyan’s term as General Vice Patriarch ended after Bishop Maşalyan was elected Deghabagh (trustee). Maşalyan’s first order of business is to form the Electoral Committee. He will carry out the electoral process and compose the voter list.
After the election, Maşalyan stated, “We will begin the process immediately; communication with the state will quickly commence. The election of the next Patriarch is not only a process that the Patriarchate will oversee, but one that we will conduct in conjunction with the state.” Maşalyan met with the community at the Church of the Virgin Mary after he was elected.