Last week, Agos published a story about an Armenian family who fled from Syria to Turkey for building a new life. This story raised awareness. Bezciyan School Founder Representative Sevan Gürün decided to help the Armenian family, which wants to send their children to Armenian schools, but is not able to do it because of financial problems. Investigating whether there is a legal obstacle to register those kids to an Armenian school, Gürün said that Bezciyan would accept them, if they wish to send their children to their school.
Gürün also stated that the families with financial problems shouldn’t hesitate to send their children to Bezciyan, since they are offering education without charging anything from the parents.
Principal Talin Nayir stated that Bezciyan doesn’t demand any tuition fee or donation and they are currently working on improving the quality of the education.
Previously, we published a story on Samatya Anarad Hiğutyun Elementary School, as another school that doesn’t demand any donation. On the other hand, the Syrian Armenian family has also a high-school kid, who is not yet registered to an Armenian school as well.