What is Gazoz League?

Gazoz League gives particular importance to the amateur spirit and there is no tripping someone up or injuring. That is why we chose and loved this football league.

Dimitri AdımcılarDeni Tomanyan 

  • Gazoz League is an “alternative football” organization that gives particular importance to the amateur spirit and brings the passion for football and football enthusiasts together.
  • Gazoz Leauge doesn't tend to allow licensed players. Rather, it tries to create a modern version of the football games that people play on the streets during their childhood. 
  • They play for soda water (gazoz), but consider football as a way of existence that combines dignity and passion. Nobody trips the opponent up or does something that might cause injury. 

Teams in the Gazoz League:



-Dinamo Express

-Ekşi Karma



-Etkisiz Eleman


-İstanpauli FM

-İstanbul Tekbik

-Kara Mizah


-Maça Maça

