PRESS Today is May 3, World Press Freedom Day

Today is May 3, World Press Freedom Day. In Turkey, where crackdown on media is increasing day by day, 159 journalists are currently in jail and almost 2,500 journalists are unemployed. Press organizations from Turkey and other countries released solidarity messages on the occasion of May 3.
TURKEY Suny: the difficult problem was sidestepped

American Armenian scholar Ronald Grigor Suny, a prominent Soviet historian, attended the commemoration event held in Taksim on April 24. He wrote his observations of the commemoration and assessed the message of US President Trump and Turkish President Erdoğan.
TURKEY Deciphered telegram reveals the genocide

Historian Taner Akçam decpihred the telegram by executive of Teşikilat-ı Mahsusa (Secret Organization) and Commitee of Union and Progress Bahaettin Şakir dated July 4, 1915. The telegram is about coordination of deportation and annihilation of Armenians. The letterhead on the telegram proves that it is indeed original.
TURKEY “We expect an apology, not condolence”

On the occasion of 102nd anniversary of Armenian Genocide, people came together in Taksim and staged a silent sit-in. They commemorated the victims of Armenian genocide with Armenian laments, calling for confrontation.