ARMENIA Why would an Armenian activist seek asylum in Azerbaijan?

In the past few days, a report that was covered as “shocking news” in Azerbaijan media occupied the agenda in Armenia. According to the report that was covered by almost all media organs of Azerbaijan, Martirosyan, an Armenian dissident activist, found asylum in Azerbaijan. When an insight was gained concerning this issue, it turned out that there are different reasons for Martirosyan’s asylum.
ARMENIA Why do 'bad guys' always flee to Armenia?

It was declared that the wanted prosecutors Zekeriya Öz and Celal Kara went to Germany, but their Armenia adventure is still considered as a given fact. Alin Ozinian traces the “fleeing to Armenia” perception in Turkish official authorities and media.
ARMENIA Yerevan protests dwindle

Protests against an electricity price rise appear to have lost momentum: The government’s suspension of the price rise for “re-examination” as well as differences in opinion and indecision among protestors have played their part.